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  • July 16, 2024

Special Types of Trademarks


Trademarks have been incorporated in our lives so seamlessly. It influences our lives from the way we identify a product or a service. From our friends vouching for a particular product to each of us being loyal to a specific brand is all dictated by how a product or service is identified.

Brand Valuation and ISO 10668

Need for Brand Valuation

The term brand value can have various definitions according to the context in which it is used. In some contexts, it can mean the financial value of the brand. Otherwise, it can refer to the value of one of the attributes that contribute to the value of the brand. Such attributes may include brand awareness, familiarity, relevance, heritage and understanding.

Determining and Indicating Origin of Goods


Globalization, to a great extent, has increased the international competitiveness of nations. The consequences of globalization viz., trade liberalization and market opening, are now clearly admitted as major agents of national growth. International trade has been opened up by removing the trade barriers, which helped many countries, especially the developing countries.

Counterfeiting of Auto Components

Counterfeiting – A Growing Issue

Global intellectual property theft and commerce in counterfeit / pirated goods are growing at an alarming pace. Counterfeiting is most often associated with currency but in reality it reaches far beyond this. Counterfeiting also poses a major threat to Intellectual Property right holders. Any recognizable brand/product is at risk of being counterfeited and anauto components are no exception.

Trade Mark Due Diligence

Trade Mark and Trade Mark Due Diligence

Trademarks are word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs that are capable of distinguishing the goods and/or services produced or provided by one enterprise from those of others and help to establish an identity in the market place. Trademarks have come to represent not only actual goods and services, but also the reputation of the business.

Ticker Symbols & Trademarks


To “trade” means to buy and sell in the jargon of the financial markets. Trading could include goods or services or it may be shares or securities. May it be a trade market or a share market[4], competition is the common element involved in the market features. To create a market potential, the traders have to cope with the competition. It is a constant endeavor for companies to focus their attention.

Assignment of Trademark


To “trade” means to buy and sell in the jargon of the financial markets. Trading could include goods or services or it may be shares or securities. May it be a trade market or a share market[4], competition is the common element involved in the market features. To create a market potential, the traders have to cope with the competition. It is a constant endeavor for companies to focus their attention.

Madrid Protocol

Accession to the Madrid Protocol

The Union Cabinet has announced its approval to the much awaited accession to the Madrid Protocol on International Registration of Marks. Consequently, a Bill will be introduced in Parliament to amend the Indian Trade Marks Law (Trade Marks Act, 1999) to incorporate provisions relating to international registration through the Madrid Protocol.

Trademark Searches

Trademark registeration

Clients are frequently more interested in having a trademark registered than in determining if another business might have already used that mark. This interest is driven by a belief that registration gives superior rights in the mark to the registrant. This is not the case; rights to the mark depend on being the first to adopt and use the mark in commerce rather than being the first to file an application.

New Indian Trademark Act

Indian Trademarks Act, 1999*

With the Trade Marks Act, 1999, being brought into force on September15, 2003, India has made a step towards fulfilling its international obligations. Consequently, the Indian trademark law has now become fully compatible with the International standards laid down in the TRIPS Agreement. The New Act primarily consolidates and amends the old Trade & Merchandise Marks Act, 1958.

Trade Dress


Trade dress is the totality of elements in which a product or service is packaged or presented. These elements combine to create the whole visual image presented to customers and are capable of acquiring exclusive legal rights as a type of trademark or identifying symbol of origin. Because trade dress includes all factors making up the total image.

Trademark Procedures


Trade dress is the totality of elements in which a product or service is packaged or presented. These elements combine to create the whole visual image presented to customers and are capable of acquiring exclusive legal rights as a type of trademark or identifying symbol of origin. Because trade dress includes all factors making up the total image.

Trademark Classification of Goods & Services


Trade dress is the totality of elements in which a product or service is packaged or presented. These elements combine to create the whole visual image presented to customers and are capable of acquiring exclusive legal rights as a type of trademark or identifying symbol of origin. Because trade dress includes all factors making up the total image.

Evolution of Trademark Laws in India


The crux of the amendment bill is aimed at simplifying the trade marks registration procedure currently prevalent in India. Currently, for seeking protection of a trade mark in different countries, separate applications for registration have to be filed in each and every country, often in different languages and by paying different fees.At that time the Cabinet also gave its nod to initiate action for the accession.

The Trade Marks (Amendment) Bill


The Lok Sabha on December 18, 2009 gave its assent to the Trade Marks (Amendment) Bill 2009. Next in the process is that the bill will be sent to the Rajya Sabha and once it is passed by the Rajya Sabha the bill becomes an Act of Parliament. Thereon, upon notification by the Central Government the Act will come into force.

Madrid System and Indian Trade Mark Owner


A trademark is any distinctive element such as words, letters, numerals, drawings, pictures, shapes, colours, labels or any of their combination which helps the consumer in distinguishing the goods and services of one from that of another. The source identifying function of the mark makes it a valuable asset of any company. A salubrious trademark portfolio which includes an effective strategy.

Review of the Historical Perspectives


A trademark was the first way a tradesman identified his goods and services.[1] The history of trademarks traces back to ancient times and it is difficult to fix the exact date when the first trademarks appeared. Trademarks commonly referred to as ‘identifying marks’ have been recognized in some form or the other since times immemorial. 

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