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  • June 24, 2024

Patents in Outer Space

Patents on Earth

A patent is an exclusive right granted by a national Government to an inventor to exclude others from making, using or selling an invention for a limited period of time usually 20 years. In exchange for this monopoly, the inventor must disclose the patented invention to the public. To receive a patent, the invention must be new, useful and non-obvious.

London Agreement (2000)

The National Validation Phase

For validation of the granted European patent at the National Patent Offices of the Contracting States, a translation of the granted patent into respective national language of the designated state is essential. A patent applicant, in addition to the costs incurred for obtaining the European patent, had to pay national fees and incur translation costs for the patent to be valid in the member state of the EPC. 

Patent Protection

Why Protect Computer Software

The laws which govern the protection of computer software fall under the domain of intellectual property. Intellectual property protection is generally granted for the benefit of both creator of the property and public welfare. There is a three step process linking the public welfare with intellectual property. The first step involves expanding the scope of legal protection offered. 

Patent Procedure

What is a Patent?

A patent is a limited duration intangible property right that allows one to prevent others from making, using or selling the patented invention in India. A patent is effective for 20 years from its earliest effective filing date (priority date). “Patent Pending” and “Patent Applied for” are terms used to inform the public that a patent application has been filed. 

The Role of Patent Law


Public interest law advocates the interests of those clients who do not have the economic power to obtaining legal assistance. Public interest law is interested more in helping out the public as opposed to private interests. Patent law on the other hand, is the system by which a set of exclusive rights is granted to an inventor for a fixed period of time in exchange for disclosure of the invention.

SIAM Patent Basics

What is a Patent?

A patent is a limited duration intangible property right that allows one to prevent others from making, using or selling the patented invention in India. A patent is effective for 20 years from its earliest effective filing date (priority date). “Patent Pending” and “Patent Applied for” are terms used to inform the public that a patent application has been filed. 

Patent Amendment Info

Information to Clients and Associates

Product patents in respect of novel compositions, drugs, chemicals, agrochemicals, food and new micro-organisms will now be allowed. Mathematical methods, business methods and algorithms remain not patentable. However, technical application of computer software in industry and software in combination with hardware will be patentable.

India Patent Subsidies


A patent is a limited duration intangible property right that allows one to prevent others from making, using or selling the patented invention in India. A patent is effective for 20 years from its earliest effective filing date (priority date). “Patent Pending” and “Patent Applied for” are terms used to inform the public that a patent application has been filed. 

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