Protection against Age Discrimination
Legal Remedies
As there is no statutory provision in India addressing discrimination based on age, no penal provisions are prescribed for this offence. However, under common law, civil remedies can be sought for unfair discrimination relating to employment, termination, wages, remuneration, benefits, etc and not solely for age discrimination.

Laws on Plastic Pollution
Plastic Waste Management
The Government of India is empowered under The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to regulate and issue notification from time to time, to protect and improve environment[4]. The Act provides for comprehensive definition of ‘environment’ which includes water, air and land and the inter- relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings.
Penalty for Delayed Payments
In terms of money
A commercial contract essentially involves three main things – Offer, Acceptance and Consideration (usually in terms of money). Every commercial contract will have its terms negotiated and agreed including the financial terms, in exchange for the goods and services provided and will clearly set out extent of liability in the event of default.

Legalization of Euthanasia
Legalizing euthanasia also has concern on the type of euthanasia. There are said to be different classifications of euthanasia, they are as follows “voluntary, non-voluntary and involuntary”. These three are the said common classifications of Euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia is that with reference to a person’s right to die. It speaks on a right of an individual to end their own life by their own wish.
Changes in Land Registration
The Tamil Nadu Government has made significant amendments to address the issue of fraudulent registrations. With an aim to prevent irregularities in land registrations, certain procedures have been made mandatory from December 2012. As per the amendments made, it has been made “compulsory” to register the documents relating to.

Investing In India
Destination India
Indian economy is moving towards a free market system through liberalised investment policies, trade policies and fiscal reforms. This is being achieved through economic reforms aimed at making India an investment friendly destination. The Government of India provides several facilities and incentives for Non Resident Indians/Persons.