Protecting Client Rights, Assets, and Family

When family dynamics transition from the comfort of the living room to the courtroom, legal proceedings can get challenging, contentious, and emotionally draining.

At Altacit Global we understand that family matters are inherently sensitive and personal. We offer expert and strategic expertise in addressing family ligation issues with the dignity and confidentiality they require and deserve.

Family Matters

Family cases typically encompass two main categories:

Marital discord

This includes issues arising from the breakdown of a marriage, such as child custody arrangements, and financial settlements.

Probate matters

Concern about a person's death and cover scenarios where they have left a Will (testate) or died without one (intestate). These can lead to potential disputes regarding property, the validity of the will, and the distribution of assets.

Marital Discord and Related Issues


Divorce can be contentious or amicable. While the former brings several disputes with it- grounds for divorce, property division, and alimony support, the latter may often require mutually agreeable settlements. Often cases can also need to be handled with mediation and collaborative practice.

Legal Separation

Legal separation does not terminate a marriage and frequently serves as a precursor to divorce. Governed by personal obligations and religious beliefs, separation involves the spouses living separately when divorce is not a feasible option. Nonetheless, opting for legal separation carries significant legal implications, ranging from dividing property to determining child custody.

Spousal Support (Alimony)

When couples end their relationship, a substantial area of conflict stems from one party’s need for financial support and maintenance. This is one area where there is no one-size-fits-all and demands adept legal handling.

Child Custody, Support, and Visitation Rights

Child custody is an area with far-reaching consequences. It needs to be handled with compassion and often involves legal and/or physical custody, sole and joint custody, disputes and visitation rights, medical, educational, and financial support decisions, and more. Child support ensures that despite differences, parents participate equally in parenting and uphold the child’s best interests.

Domestic Violence

This involves initiating, defending, and contesting matters relating to domestic violence and abuses, including dowry-related abuses. It also covers mental as well as physical abuse and also threats to do the same. Any form of harassment, coercion, harming health, safety sexual abuse comes under its purview.

Restitution of Conjugal Rights

Courts have the right to order the restitution of conjugal rights. It mandates that when the husband or the wife withdraws from the other’s company without any reasonable cause, the aggrieved party may approach the court to seek restitution of conjugal rights. The purpose of this section is to maintain the sanctity of marriage and promote reconciliation between the spouses.

Annulment and Dissolution

The legal dissolution of a marriage can be achieved through annulment or dissolution, each addressing different circumstances under which a marriage is considered legally void or terminated.

An Annulment is a court declaration that effectively nullifies a marriage, as if it never occurred, due to specific defects such as non-consummation, one party’s incompetence due to age, insanity, a pre-existing marriage, the prolonged absence of a partner, or imprisonment.
Dissolution, on the other hand, ends a valid marriage based on special reasons, such as the insanity of one partner after the marriage. The decree for annulment or dissolution seeks to revert the parties to their pre-marital status without affecting the third parties involved.


These cases involve proving/ disproving the paternity of a child.

Wills & Estate

The loss of a loved one is difficult. Handling their will, or the lack of it, can sometimes result in legal issues, inheritance litigation, and taxes besides probate disputes.

Drafting wills or settlement agreements, designating power(s) of attorney, proper filing of critical documents, strategic estate planning, establishment of trusts, and management of the estate, coupled with navigating inheritance litigation, are essential legal measures to protect your family against unforeseen circumstances. These actions facilitate comprehensive planning for your family’s future and the preservation of your legacy.

Family Law - Advantage - Altacit Global

We have a focused team of legal experts and lawyers who can help you with any family law conflict,
case, or litigation and achieve fair and transparent legal outcomes.

Facing a family law issue?

 Altacit Global is here to help